Scientific Data Processing

Winter Semester 2019/20

Time and Location

Exercises Group 1:
Tuesday, 14:00-18:00 (starting October 15th), L 106/L 110, PC-Pool (2941.01.110L)

Exercises Group 2:
Wednesday, 08:00-14:00 (starting October 16th), L 106/L 110, PC-Pool (2941.01.110L)

Exercises Group 3:
Friday, 12:00-16:00 (starting October 18th), L 106/L 110, PC-Pool (2941.01.110L)

Lecture materials

Course Language

The course will be held in English language.

Professorship for
Digital Health

Prof. Dr. Stephan Jonas

Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching